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FEB students won 3rd place in a competition in the field of Accounting throughout East Java


Congratulations! To Ananda Dhea Milinia Sefira who won 3rd place in the Competition in the field of Accounting "Accounting Competition 6" which was held at Widiyagama University Malang which was attended by participants from East Java.

Dhea is also a student at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember who has received an invitation to attend the "Asia Youth International Model United Nations Virtual Conference" from 28 to 31 May 2021.



Selamat ! kepada ananda Dhea Milinia Sefira yang telah meraih juara 3 dalam Kompetisi di bidang Akuntansi "Accounting Competition 6" yang di adakan di Universitas Widiyagama Malang yang di hadiri oleh peserta se Jawa Timur.

Dhea juga merupakan salah satu mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Jember yang telah mendapatkan undangan untuk menghadiri acara "Asia Youth Internasional Model United Nations Virtual Conference" pada 28 sampai dengan 31 Mei 2021.