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3 UNEJ FEB Students Pass funding by the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology in 2021


04 May 2021-There are 3 KBMI teams from FEB UNEJ which have passed funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2021. The team is chaired by Ahmad Busyro Darojatun Islam (1908102011168) with the proposed title "White Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Agribusiness", Aldina Hilda Rahmadani (180810201132) with the title proposal "", and Meileni Nurhayati (180810201098) with the proposed title ""SWEET BITES" Optimizing the Benefits of Edamame in Healthy and Contemporary Dessert Box Innovations".

The three teams submitted business development proposals through the Indonesian Student Entrepreneurial Activity Program (KBMI). The three (as well as 7 other teams from the University of Jember) will receive an injection of business development funds of up to IDR 25. million.

An important requirement in applying for KBMI is that the proposed business has been running for at least 6 months.



04 Meni 2021-Ada 3 tim KBMI dari FEB UNEJ yang lolos pendanaan dari Kemendikbudristek pada tahun 2021. Tim tersebut diketuai oleh Ahmad Busyro Darojatun Islam (190810201168) dengan judul usulan "Agribisnis Budidaya Jamur Tiram Putih", Aldina Hilda Rahmadani (180810201132) dengan judul usulan "", dan Meileni Nurhayati (180810201098) dengan judul usulan "“SWEET BITES” Optimasi Manfaat Edamame Dalam Inovasi Dessert Box yang Sehat dan Kekinian".

Ketiga tim ini mengajukan usulan pengembangan usaha melalui Program Kegiatan Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Indonesia (KBMI). Ketiganya (dan juga 7 tim lainnya dari Universitas Jember) akan mendapatkan suntikan dana pengembanga usaha sampai dengan Rp25. juta. 

Syarat penting dalam pengajuan KBMI adalah usaha yang diusulkan telah berjalan minimal 6 bulan.
