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D3 Accounting and D3 Financial Administration students pass funding for the 2021 Vocational Student Entrepreneurship Program (PMWV) at the National Level


May 28, 2021-The big family of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember Says: "Congratulations and Proud". To D3 Accounting and D3 Financial Administration Students:

  1. Ganik Kusumawati 190803104032 (Team 1)
  2. Silvi Ayu Fortuna 190803104048 (Team 2)
  3. Icha premesdia windi syafira 190803104064 (Team 3)

2019 D3 Accounting student. For his achievements, he passed the Funding of the 2021 Vocational Student Entrepreneurial Program (PMWV) at the National Level. Which was held by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Directorate General of Vocational Education.


28 Mei 2021-Keluarga besar Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Jember Mengucapkan : “Selamat dan Berbangga”. Kepada Mahasiswa D3 Akuntansi dan D3 Administrasi Keuangan :

  1. Ganik Kusumawati 190803104032 (Tim 1)
  2. Silvi Ayu Fortuna 190803104048 (Tim 2)
  3. Icha premesdia windi syafira 190803104064 (Tim 3)

Mahasiswa D3 Akuntansi 2019. Atas Prestasinya lolos Pendanaan Program Wirausaha Mahasiswa Vokasi(PMWV) Tahun 2021 Tingkat Nasional. Yang diadakan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Vokasi.