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1st Winner of Pilmapres Economic & Business Faculty 2021 dan 2nd Winner of Pilmapres Unej 2021


Young Achievers is very appropriate to be pinned on Dania Safira Agustin. This 2020 batch of D3 Accounting FEB UNEJ student won the 1st Winner of Pilmapres Economic & Business Faculty 2021 and 2nd Winner of Pilmapres Unej 2021. Keep up the enthusiasm and keep on making your achievements.


Muda Berprestasi sangat tepat untuk disematkan kepada Dania Safira Agustin. Mahasiswa D3 Akuntansi FEB UNEJ angkatan 2020 ini, berhasil mendapatkan 1st Winner of Pilmapres Economic & Business Faculty 2021 dan 2nd Winner of Pilmapres Unej 2021. Tetap semangat dan ukir terus prestasimu.