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FEB UNEJ student from Master of Accounting won 2nd place in the KU 23 Women's Singles at the National Tennis Competition - Disway Tennis 2021


Fauziyah Azzahro with NIM 210820201015 from Master of Accounting students was crowned 2nd winner of the KU 23 Women's Singles at the National Tennis Competition "Disway Tennis 2021" which was held on 23-29 September 2021 at the Unesa Tongue Wetan field, organized by Dahlan Iskan.


Fauziyah Azzahro dengan NIM 210820201015 dari Mahasiswa S2 Akuntansi dinobatkan sebagai juara 2 Tunggal Putri KU 23 di Pertandingan Tenis tingkat Nasional "Disway Tenis 2021" yang  diselenggarakan tgl 23-29 september 2021 di lapangan unesa lidah wetan, diselenggarakan oleh Dahlan Iskan.