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FEB students have won 3 prizes in several competitions in 2021


On behalf of Christin Wijaya Untoro

1. 1st place in the "Pancasila campus fair" Oration Contest held by BEM FEB UNEJ

2. 1st place in the Essay Competition held by KSEI RISEF UIN Raden Intan Lampung 2021

3. 3rd place in the Indonesian Speech Contest held by Sam Ratulangi University



Atas nama Christin Wijaya Untoro

1. Juara 1 pada ajang Lomba Orasi " Pancasila kampus fair" diadakan oleh BEM FEB UNEJ

2. Juara 1 pada ajang Lomba Essay diadakan oleh KSEI RISEF UIN Raden Intan Lampung 2021

3.Juara 3 pada ajang Lomba Pidato Bahasa Indonesia diadakan oleh Universitas Sam Ratulangi