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Dr. Arnis Budi Susanto, S.E, M.Si


Nama   :   Dr. Arnis Budi Susanto, S.E, M.Si
NIP / NRP   :   198204152023211015
NIDN   :   0015048212
Jenis Kelamin   :   Laki - Laki
Pangkat   :   Penata Tingkat I
Golongan   :   III/d
Jabatan   :   Lektor
Konsentrasi   :   Strategy Management
Minat Penelitian   :   Sustainable Human Resource Management
ID Sinta   :   6042587
ID Scopus   :   57514983300
Curriculum Vitae   :   Curriculum Vitae
Web Of Science   :   Web of Science


Pendidikan Sarjana   :   UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO
Pendidikan Magister   :   UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN
Pendidikan Doktor   :   UNIBERSITAS HASANUDDIN


1 2017 Identifikasi dan karakterisasi bahan pangan lokal etnis osing dalam rangka mendukung ketahanan pangan Kerjasama (IsDB project) 100,000,000
2 2016 Strategi ketahanan pangan etnis osing di kabupaten banyuwangi Kerjasama (IsDB Project) 100,000,000
3 2018 Identifikasi dan karakterisasi bahan pangan lokal etnis osing dalam rangka mendukung ketahanan pangan (Lanjutan) Kerjasama (IsDB Project) 100,000,000
4 2018 Typology innovetion Business Models and Commercialization Untuk Pusat Unggulan Iptekls Berbasis Bioteknologi Pendukung IDB (PNBP) 60,000,000
5 2018 Perbandingan Efektivitas Komunikasi online dan Offline dalam usaha peningkatan literasi Keuangan Hibah Keris (PNBP) 30,000,000
6 2018 Peningkatan Produktivitas Industri Kreatif Melalui Karakterisasi Dan Rekonstruksi Industri Kreatif Di Wilayah Kabupaten Jember Hibah Keris (PNBP) 30,000,000
7 2020 Survey Kepuasan Masyarakat pada Kinerja Inspektorat Kabupaten Banyuwangi Kerjasama 80,000,000
8 2020 Pengembangan Strategi Bisnis Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Keunggualan Bersaing Industri Kreatif (Studi Pada Industrui Kreatif Balung Tutul Kabupaten Jember) Hibah Keris (PNBP) 44,000,000
9 2019 Commercialization and Innovation Management untuk Pusat Unggulan Bioteknologi Tanaman Industry Pendukung IDB (PNBP) 60,000,000
10 2020 Manajemen Pengelolaan Limbah untuk Keamanan Lingkungan dalam Upaya Mendukung Biosafety Produk Bioteknologi Bidang Pertanian Universitas Jember Pendukung IDB (PNBP) 63,675,000
11 2020 Risk Management Based ISO 31000:2018: Pengendalian Kualitas Pelayanan (Studio Kasus RSUD Besuki) Hibah Keris (PNBP) 34,645,000
12 2020 Management System Based Strategy Industry Kreatif di Wilayah Kabupaten jember Hibah Keris (PNBP) 31,770,000
13 2021 Management System Based Strategy Industi Kreatif Hibh keris (PNBP) 31,000,000
14 2021 Risk Mitigation pada RSUD Besuki Hibah Keris 30,833,000
15 2021 Matriks Inovasi Destinasi Wisata Hibah Keris 50,000,000
16 2021 Business Model Innovation hibah Keris 33,000,000
17 2019 Organizational and Individual Linkages on Employee Performance: Case Study on State Owned Enterprises in Indonesiaā€¯ Hibah reworking 15,000,000
18 2020 Analysis of Learning Organization to Improve Quality Performance Through Work Engagement Hibah reworking 13,000,000
19 2021 The Role of Internal Communication, Work Discipline, And Employee Loyalty on Employee Performance Hibah reworking 9,000,000
20 2020 The impact of organizational communication and competence on gthe quality Employee Performance Through Organization Citizenship Behavior Hibah reworking 3,000,000


1 2017 Pengelolaan usaha kecil dan manajemen pemasaran pada ibu-ibu PKK kelurahan tegal besar kecamatan kaliwates, jember mandiri 500,000
2 2016 Penerapan praktek teknologi informasi dan manajemen warga desa suci kecamatan panti kabupaten jember mandiri 1,000,000
3 2017 Peningkatan produktivitas UMKM melalui pelatihan kewirausahaan mandiri 500,000
4 2020 keripik Belimbing Sebagai Produk Unggulan dalam Menurunkan Tekanan darah pada Penderita Hipertensi di Kabupaten jember PNBP 30,000,000
5 2018 Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Dengan Partisipasi Masyarakat Pada RSUD. Besuki Situbondo Mandiri 3,000,000
6 2018 Pengelolaan Usaha Kecil dan Manajemen Pemasaran Pada Ibu-Ibu PKK Kelurahan Tegal Besar Kecamatan Kaliwates Jember Mandiri 600,000
7 2018 Peningkatan Produktivitas UMKM Joyo Chomoe Laundry jember Melalui Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Mandiri 650,000
8 2019 Pembinaan Penerapan Standar Pelayanan dan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) di Pemerintah Kabupaten Situbondo Mandiri 3,000,000
9 2020 Pemanfaatan Perencanaan Sumber Daya Manajemen Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kinerja Usaha Kecil Menengah mandiri 500,000
10 2019 Menumbuhkan jiwa kewirausahaan dan Manajemen Pemasaran pada Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah Joyo Chomoe Laudry Jember Mandiri 500,000
11 2018 Pemasaran Hasil Budidaya Lele PAda Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid Al Islami Mandiri 500,000
12 2021 Manajemen Strategi Bersaing dalam Kewirausahaan mandiri 500,000
13 2021 Pendampingan Smart-Government Berbasis Back-End Development Pada Desa Sukosari Kidul Kecamatan Sumberwringin Kabupaten Bondowoso Hibahi desa binaan 30,000,000
14 2021 Strategi Bersaing dan Inovasi Pada UMKM Kabupaten Jember Mandiri 500,000


1 Faktor-Faktor Yang mempengaruhi keunggulan bersaing Perguruan tinggi swasta Proceeding Nasional MCRI Terbit 2014
2 Mengungkap realitas Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Melalui Kajian Fenomenologi JIESA Terbit 2014
3 Meningkatkan Kualiats Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Melalui Total Quality Management JIESA 2015
4 Information Capital sebagai Model Pemetaan Strategi Bersaing JIESA 2017
5 Kajian network planning dalam manajemen proyek perusahaan JIESA 2017
6 Job satisfaction and abseteeism on the performance of lecturer in private higher education in semarang Journal of Management and Marketing review 2017
7 Improve the performance of SMES throught innovation strategies in developing Country International Journal of Science and Technology research Scopus Q3 2017
8 The analysis of quality cost of product damage International Journal of Science and Technology research Scopus Q3 2017
9 In search of community Perception on shariaa banking in developing country Global Journal of Engineering Science and research Management Indeks Copernicus 2017
10 In search of end product quality in developing countries International Journal of applied business and economic research Scopus Q4 2017
11 Enhance quality of higher education intitution in developing country for competitive advantage International Journal of economic research Scopus Q4 2018
12 Performance through Innovation: An Analysis of small and medium-sized enterprises in developing country International journal of business and management science Scopus Q4 2018
13 Relationship marketing: satisfaction and loyality on expendition customers in Indonesia International journal of business and management science Scopus Q4 2018
14 Quality of Higher education : an organizational perspective International Journal of Science and Technology research Scopus Q3 2019
15 Characterization of creative industries: Challenges and opportunities International Journal of Science and Technology research scopus Q3 2019
16 Typology innovation business model for university as centers of science based on biotechnology International Journal of Science and Technology research scopus Q3 2019
17 Application of quality management to company performance in developing country International Journal of Science and Technology research scopus Q3 2019
18 An empirical investigation of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB): The way to improve performance in higher education institutions International Journal of Science and Technology research scopus Q3 2019
19 Analytical investigation of the customers satisfaction on higher education International Journal of Science and Technology research Scopus Q3 2019
20 The effect of training and competence on the performance of laboratory assistant through job satisfaction as intervening variable International Journal of Science and Technology research Scopus Q3 2019
21 Organizational and Individual Linkages on Employee Performance: Case Study on State Owned Enterprises in Indonesia International journal of Innovation Creativity and Change Scopus Q3 2019
22 Profesionalism ,auditors human resource competency, and executive follow up commitment, the effect on auditors spirituality Dimention and Internal Auditors Performance International journal of Innovation Creativity and Change Scopus Q3 2019
23 The Analysis of Organizational Commitment on Organizational Citizenship behavior on Public Sectpr Organization International Journal of Science and Technology research Scopus Q3 2019
24 Experimental Marketing and Service Quality for Railways Customers Satisfaction Quality Access to Success Scopu Q3, WoS ESCI 2020
25 Tinjauan Analitik Kapabilitas kepemimpinan Strategik terhadap Kinerja Perguruan Tinggi Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen dan Informatika SINTA 5 2020
26 Model Preferensi Konsumen terhadap perbankan syariah Jurnal STIE SEMARANG SINTA 5 2020
27 Enhance SMEs Performance throught implementing quality strategic, Leadership, Trust in Leader, strategic Planning Quality Access to Success Scopus Q3, WoS ESCI 2021
28 The Impact of Organization Communication and Competence on The Quality of Employees Performance Throught OCB Quality Access to Success Scopus Q3, WoS ESCI 2021
29 Strategic Planning as a Mediation of The Influence of Organizational Climate and Competence to Competitive Advantage of Private Higher Education IOP Conference Series: Earth and Evironmental Science (Scopus) Scopus 2021
30 Disclosing the Village-Owned Enterprise Financial Management Accountability iOP Conference Series: Earth and Evironmental Science (Scopus) Scopus 2021
31 Model of Risk Reduction Behavior and Financial Performance Escalation of Islamic Bank in Indonesia quality Access to Success Scopus Q3, WoS ESCI 2021
32 The Role of Internal Communication, Work Discipline, And Employee Loyalty on Employee Performance Quality Access to Success Scopus Q3, WoS ESCI 2021
33 Waste Management for Environmental Safety in The Effort to Support Biosafety of Agricultural Biotechnology Products University of Jember quality Access to Success Scopus Q3, WoS ESCI 2021
34 Determinants of Competency, Work Behavior and Work Effectiveness of Government Apparatus: A Case Study in Indonesia Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business WoS 2021
35 The effect of professionalism, auditors human resource competency and executive follow up commitment on internal auditors performance International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change Scopus Q3 2020
36 Perencanaan kemasan Produkter Ramah Lingkungan Menggunakan Metode Green QFD-II Pada Perusahaan AMDK AL Qodiri BISMA Sinta 4 2021


1 International Business Research Conference Model of private higher education competitive advantage strategy 15-16 December 2016, Shinjuku Japan. PEMATERI
2 Simposium Nasional Membangun karakter pancasilais Keunggulan bersaing perguruan tinggi swasta Universitas Hasanuddin, 14 desember 2013 PESERTA
3 International Conference Public Health The Compliance of health care units goverments regulation on liquid waste hazardous and toxic materials Universitas Sriwijaya, oktober 2017 PESERTA
4 International Conference an call paper, good corporate governance to face global business competition The analysis of quality cost of product damage Aston Jember, 13 mei 2017 PESERTA
5 Global Conference Business and Sosial Science Job satisfaction and abseteeism on the performance of lecturer in private higher education in semarang Malaysia, Mei 2017 PESERTA


1 Manajemen Strategi 2014 81 MCRI
2 Strategi Penciptaan Nilai Organisasi 2017 162 Dreamlitera


1 Enhance SMEs Performance Through Implementing Quality Strategic Leadership, Trust In Leader, Strategic Planning 2020 Karya Tulis 000217592
2 Organizational And Individual Linkages On Employee Performance: A Case Study On State-Owned Enterprises In Indonesia 2020 Karya Tulis 000217992
3 Performance Through Innovation : An Analysis Of Small And Medium- Sized Enterprises In Developing Country 2020 Karya Tulis 000217698
4 Typology Innovation Business Model For University As Centers Of Science Based On Biotechnology 2020 Karya Tulis 000217587
5 Tinjauan Analitik Kapabilitas Kepemimpinan Strategik Terhadap Kinerja Perguruan Tinggi 2020 Karya Tulis 000217595
6 Model Preference Konsumen Terhadap Perbankan Syariah 2020 Karya Tulis 000217593
7 management system Based Strategy for Creative Industries in The Jember District Region 2021 karya kulis 000239096
8 Simple Application for internal audit - barang 2021 program komputer 000258357
9 Simple Application for internal audit - Barang Milik Negara 2021 program Komputer 000258347
10 Simple Application for internal audit - Jasa Lainnya 2021 Program Komputer 000258348
11 Simple Application for internal audit - Konstruksi 2021 Program Komputer 000258346
12 Simple Application for internal audit - keuangan 2021 Program komputer 000258349
13 The Analysis Of Organizational Commitment OnOrganizational Citizenship Behavior On Public Sector Organization 2021 Karya Tulis (artikel) 000313838
14 Perancanfan Website Profil Desa Sukosari Kidul Kabupaten Bondowoso 2021 Program Komputer 000305133


1 Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia Wakil Sekretaris II 2019-2022
2 Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia Focus group E commerce and Fintech 2022-2025


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