

Profile FEB

Visi dan Misi

Menjadi fakultas yang unggul dalam pengembangan ekonomi dan bisnis berwawasan lingkungan dan agroindustri bertaraf internasional.

Tata Kelola

Melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola fakultas yang baik

Agroindustri dan Teknologi

Menyelenggarakan proses pembelajaran berwasasan lingkungan dan agroindustri di dalam dan luar kampus dengan kurikulum berbasis luaran dan teknologi informasi

Penelitian dan Pengabdian

Meningkatkan luaran penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang digunakan dan direkognisi baik secara nasional maupun internasional.

Tenaga Pendidik Berkualitas

Meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan.

Lulusan Berkualitas

Meningkatkan lulusan yang kompeten, kreatif, inovatif, adaptif, dan berkarakter Pancasila.

Kerjasama dan Kemitraan

Mengembangkan jejaring kerja sama dengan pemangku kepentingan di dalam dan luar negeri.

Akademik yang Kondusif

Mengembangkan atmosfer akademik yang kondusif.

Sejarah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Jember

Mid May 1962

The Chancellor of UNITA Jember together with the management of the UNITA Jember Foundation met the Banyuwangi District Head to discuss the opening of the Tawanalun Banyuwangi ECONOMIC Faculty. The Regional Government welcomes the plan with several conditions.

Mid 1962

With the blessing of the Regional Government, the opening of the FACULTY OF ECONOMICS at the Tawang Alun Private University in Banyuwangi Regency was carried out. Attended by the Regent of Banyuwangi Mr. R. Soegito Natasagito and BPH Member Mr. R. Djoko Soeroso. Dr. R. Ahmad. Mr. R.Th. Soengedi and MR,E.Utreht from UNITA Jember. The Dean of the Faculty of Economics UNITA is held by MR. Utrecht and Faculty secretary by Soeryopoetro. The first lecture took place at the Regency Hall attended by 100 students.

Mid 1963

After it was found out that with the Decree of Mentari PTIP NO11/1963 dated 5-1-1963 regarding the nationalization of faculties within UNITA, it turned out that it was not included in the Faculty of economics in Banyuwangi. So the plan that was promised by UNITA Jember delegates when meeting the Regent in mid-May 1962 that the Faculty of Economics would be nationalized within a year did not materialize. The preparatory committee for the FACULTY OF ECONOMICS in Banyuwangi urged Unita Jember to complete the nationalization process immediately.

The founders of UNITA Jember in Jakarta. Jakarta, while the secretary of the supervisory committee of the FACULTY OF ECONOMICS UNITA Banyuwangi as well as a member of BPH Banyuwangi went to Jakarta alone without joining the group from Jember. It turned out that in Jakarta they met and together faced the Minister of PTIP in Jakarta and urged that the FACULTY OF ECONOMICS at the private Tawangalun University in Banyuwangi be immediately nationalized.

November 10, 1964

By Decree of the Minister of PTIP NO.: 151/1964 dated 9 November 1964 FACULTY OF ECONOMICS The private university of Tawang Alun in Banyuwangi was nationalized, within the University of Djember, while the dean was still held by prof. Mr. E. Utrecht (Former dean of UNITA's FACULTY OF ECONOMICS) and Drs. Soeryopoetro (Former secretary of the FACULTY OF ECONOMICS UNITA Banyuwangi) from the Regional Government of Banyuwangi Regency.

December 31, 1965

Prior to the G30S/PKI incident, lecture activities did not go smoothly. The acting faculty leaders were not in the PCS. Then make improvements. Both by the local government and from the university itself. From then on, the FACULTY OF ECONOMICS was supervised by the Banyuwangi branch of the Jember University Coordinating Council. With the policies of the Chancellor of Djember State University (Chancellor's Decree Number: 583/UA/22/65 dated 31-12-1965 signed by Pds Rector Ltn Col. TNI AD Winoto and. in OB24 Jember) the status of the faculty was changed to a branch FACULTY OF ECONOMICS. In order to organize branch lectures of the FACULTY OF ECONOMICS. Law and Education Faculty in Banyuwangi. The local government has provided a campus.

End of 1974

The branch of the FACULTY OF ECONOMICS, Jember State University in Banyuwangi was closed at the end of 1974, so in Banyuwangi there were no higher education institutions for high school graduates. The reason for the closure of the FACULTY OF ECONOMICS Branch was due to the issuance of a decree by the Indonesian minister of education and culture regarding the closure of all respective faculty branches within universities and state institutions so that they could re-integrate with their parents .

End of 1975

The campus, which was adjusted by the local government of Banyuwangi district, was then temporarily used as a place for education and skills. This activity was then moved to the youth skills training center (PLKP) in Labanasem, Kabat Banyuwangi sub-district.

September 1976

Answers from the Chancellor of the University of Jember Bp. Soetardjo SH for opening a non-degree Higher Education Institution was well received by the Regent of Banyuwangi, Col. Djoko Supaat Slamet. This institution was successfully formed thanks to the decision of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No: 042/II/1907 dated March 16, 1975 concerning the establishment and development of corporate administration expert education at State Universities and Institutes. This PAAP program was realized with the Decree of the Chancellor of the University of Jember No. 5617/V3207/1976 dd. Sept. 29, 1976.

March 14, 1977

PAAP was inaugurated on March 14, 1977 at the Banyuwangi Regency Hall by Rector Soetardjo DH attended by the Dean of the FACULTY OF ECONOMICS, University of Jember Drs. Hardiyanto Purbangkoro and Regent Ltn Col. TNI AD Djoko Sutana Wijaya on Jl. Attorney General Suprapto number 140 Banyuwangi.

February 12, 1986

Taking place at the Pendopo of Banyuwangi Regency, the Chancellor Drs. P. Warsito witnessed by KDM Banyuwangi regent Djoko Wasito. The closing of the Banyuwangi PAAP program is to comply with the decision of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia concerning Corporate Administration Science. All PAAP program students have completed their studies and are working throughout Indonesia.